Thursday, January 20, 2011

Custom-made trials

The Lord has given us all specific and individualized trials for specific times in our lives. My roommates cousin has been going through something that no one volunteers for and she has been such a strength through it all. Her daughter, Maddie was in an accident and she has been in recovery. I have been following on their blog (which is not normal behavior for me), but for some reason, every time I read her blog, it touches my heart and gives me strength to endure my trials. I love the perspective of Beverly and John. Their eternal perspective and optimism really helps.

I have also learned through life that the Lord places people in our lives who have gone through certain trials to help us in ours. My roommate has been going through some hard times the last few months and it's been amazing how much what she has been going through mirrors what I have been going through. They are different, that's for sure, but there are moments when we both need the same prayers because they are that similar. I am grateful for the small tender mercies that the Lord sends my way all the time. Yesterday, for example, I was having a hard time at work with non-work-related issues and went for a quick walk to clear my head. When I got back to my desk my visiting teacher had stopped by and brought me a flower. I nearly burst out in tears because I knew it had come directly from the Lord's promptings. He knew I needed that little reassurance that He is there and knows what I'm feeling. It is amazing how many blessings come my way when I am doing what I know I need to live a righteous life. It is not easy sometimes, but the pleadings of my heart have been answered so many times as I have been praying, reading the Book of Mormon, attending the temple, and being around others who strengthen me. The Lord truly does keep His promises.

"And now, my brethren (and sisters), I would that ye should do as ye have hitherto done. As ye have kept my commandments, and also the commandments of my father, and have prospered, and have been kept from falling into the hands of your enemies, even so if ye shall keep the commandments of my son, or the commandments of God which shall be delivered unto you by him, ye shall prosper in the land, and your enemies shall have no power over you." ~ Mosiah 2:31

Give me a Break

I find it very interesting how the Lord gives us "breaks" sometimes, but they are not permanent. The last few weeks have been really happy for me. I have felt the Lord's love very strongly and I have been really content with my life. I started taking an art class and will take a painting class that will start in a month. I am really enjoying drawing! Who would have thought it would be so therapeutic? The last few days, my thoughts have been consumed with my friends and loved ones who are struggling. Many prayers have been offered up to Heaven in their behalf. I started realizing that my "break" is about to be over. The Lord has given me a lot of strength and I feel the application of that strength being called into play. I am actually grateful for my trials. I know they are hard, but I know that I grow the most in those trials. I grow closer to the Lord, I see what I am really made of, and through my trials, I am usually able to help others. It's amazing how orchestrated it all is.

Even there are so many unknowns in my life right now, there is one thing that I know for sure. The Lord is aware of me. He has a lot in store for me and is preparing the way for me to receive these blessings. I have been struggling with the wording in this posting because I am not very eloquent with words, but I felt like I needed to get this out there.