Thursday, January 20, 2011

Give me a Break

I find it very interesting how the Lord gives us "breaks" sometimes, but they are not permanent. The last few weeks have been really happy for me. I have felt the Lord's love very strongly and I have been really content with my life. I started taking an art class and will take a painting class that will start in a month. I am really enjoying drawing! Who would have thought it would be so therapeutic? The last few days, my thoughts have been consumed with my friends and loved ones who are struggling. Many prayers have been offered up to Heaven in their behalf. I started realizing that my "break" is about to be over. The Lord has given me a lot of strength and I feel the application of that strength being called into play. I am actually grateful for my trials. I know they are hard, but I know that I grow the most in those trials. I grow closer to the Lord, I see what I am really made of, and through my trials, I am usually able to help others. It's amazing how orchestrated it all is.

Even there are so many unknowns in my life right now, there is one thing that I know for sure. The Lord is aware of me. He has a lot in store for me and is preparing the way for me to receive these blessings. I have been struggling with the wording in this posting because I am not very eloquent with words, but I felt like I needed to get this out there.

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