Saturday, October 16, 2010

I just created a profile at It got me thinking of the many blessings I have. I am so blessed to have a testimony of the gospel. I am so blessed to know the Lord has a plan for me. There are so many people out there who don't have that perspective. I have so many good influences around me.

My parents instilled in me a life of living the gospel: going to church, reading the scriptures, praying to the Lord, etc. In addition to my parents, I have had many friends who helped shape my commitment to the gospel.

Sarah has taught me to always be active and to love people. Every time I am around her, I feel loved. It reminds me to share the love I feel for others when I am with them.

My friend, Veronica (Ved) taught me to always seek to live my life so that I am an instrument in the Lord's hands, to seek to help others and say things that may benefit others. She also taught me to have faith in my prayers. She is always so good at praying for things and having the faith that it will happen.

My prayers have also improved recently with my roommate Shannon. She is so amazing at her prayers. She is always asking me what she can pray for and I KNOW she prays for others all the time. I can definitely improve in that respect. Shannon also taught me how prayers can be very personal with the Lord. She actually has conversations with the Lord. My prayers are usually the typical "Thank thee, bless me, etc." but she actually discusses things with the Lord. That is how it should be. God is our Father! I am working on improving this relationship so that I can have conversations. Already I have noticed a difference in how I receive answers from the Lord.

David is my home teacher and friend. He is constantly posting conference and devotional talks on his facebook page. I know he listens to them on a regular basis. Because of his example, I started listening to and have found that my life is a lot richer because of it. In addition, I found that listening on a regular basis has exercised my spirit so that I can retain more spiritual light. During conference I wasn't tired at the end of Sunday session like I normally am. I know it is because I prepared and that my spirit was in shape to receive.

My dear friend, Mark is an amazing guy who came into my life recently. He is so committed to the gospel and makes it such a part of his every-day conversation that it inspires me to do the same. He is constantly having missionaries over to teach non- and new- members the gospel. He has such a great faith and trust in the Lord and His guidance, that it makes me want to seek the Lord's guidance more often. I know people will argue that we have our agency and don't need to go to the Lord as often, but Mark reminded me that He will guide us in everything. In fact, I learned that as I have been seeking Him more often, my will is more in line with His will. Mark is a lawyer and is constantly learning new things. He has such a love for the scriptures and his enthusiasm has helped me have a greater zeal in my own scripture study. Elder Eyring in conference said that "when we ponder, we invite revelation by the Spirit" and you get different results if you were to read or study. Mark is good at studying and makes me want to study better. He has been such a positive influence on my life lately.

I am so blessed to know such incredible people. It is another testament to me that the Lord loves me and is very aware of me.

There you go. My ponderous thoughts.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yeah, I do read your blog! I had no idea I would make a cameo in it, though! Unless you were talking about a different Sarah...

I love you, chicka! You've taught me a lot! And I love our friends, too!